TTSBE Foster Day At Persimmon Hill (Day 2 of 2)(1-24-2015)Day 2 at Persimmon Hill Bonsai: Volunteers continued to work on Audrey's Chinese quince by putting a reinforcing bar in the back of the tree to aid in bending the new apex upwards. More repotting and root works were done to two other exhibit trees and some more of Audrey's trees.
Putting a rebar on the back of the tree.
Inserting the rebar in position.
Protecting the tree trunk using plastic tubing.
Top of the tree with rebar next to the trunk.
Bending the new apex in place.
Securing the wire to bend the apex.
Twisting the wire to tighten the distance between branches.
Wire was twisted to the desired distance and then cut.
New Apex with rebar in place.
Worked on getting more soil in to cover the top of the pot. A good 2 inches were put into the pot.
There is a hole in the tree trunk.
Scrapped off some bark to try to heal the hole in the trunk.
This maple was styled in an older way where branches were brought down. Used green marker to mark the area where we will tread graft next year. Two years later, we could cut the top off.
Scrapped off some bark around the area where the marker is to initiate root growth so as to get a better nebari.
This Chinese hackberry tree belongs to Audrey. Need new soil and possibly deeper pot. A greenish pot would be a nice choice.
This liquidambar, aka Sweet Gumtree, doesn't heal easily.
Need to repot to a different angle.
This is a flowering tree with bluish purple flowers. For flowering trees, we want to keep as many branches as we can to have more flowers.
This crabapple is a TTSBE Collection tree that is being kept at Elaine's place.
Found knob roots under the crabapple.
More root work done on the crabapple.
Sawing underneath the trunk.
inserting chopstick to widen the gap so roots will lay flatter in pot. The tree was repotted in the same pot and soil was piled up high to help with root work.