TTSBE Foster Day at Persimmon Hill (10-19-2015)

October 19, 2015

TTSBE welcomes Kathy Shaner to our annual Foster Days in which volunteers get together to work on exhibit trees under Kathy's guidance. We were fortunate to have two beautiful days with very nice weather.


Here you can see Kathy Shaner contemplating on where to put the steel rebar. The rebar will be attached to bend the top of this live oak back in line with the trunk. The branches will also be wired for better movement. #3 Live Oak#3 Live OakKathy Shaner contemplating on where to put the steel rebar. The rebar will be attached to bend the top of the live oak back in line with the trunk. Branches will be wired for better movement also.

The possible pot that this tree will go into next year.

The possible pot that this tree will go in next year.

After the rebar was placed and branches wired.

Tree #4, a collected ash juniper ready for some dead wood cleaning.

Colllected Ash Juniper ready for some dead wood cleaning.

Artist at work.

Jimbo doing a sketch of the Ash Juniper.

Getting into the crevice to clean the dead wood.

Need to get into the crevice to clean the dead wood.

The cleaning continues...

Cleaning up the dead wood in the Ash Juniper

Cleaning up the dead wood in the Ash Juniper

Working on Tree #10, a twisted pomegranate.

Dario at work.

Kathy Shaner can bend the branches even with her eye closed. explaining to the volunteers about her vision for the future of the tree.

Next, we worked on Tree #9, a trident maple.  While examining the wire and finding that it has been cutting into the roots, Kathy decided to redo the tie wire.

Examining the wire finding that the wire has been cutting into the roots so Kathy decided to redo the tie wire. Tightening the wire to secure this trident maple to the pot.

A chopstick was used to protect the root from wire scar. Use a chop stick to prevent the wire being tied too close to a root. Push the chop stick outwards will tighten the wire and also move the wire away from the root. Trimming off a few leaves on this Trident Maple. This is called Lion's head. The leaves are wider, broader and shinier then the regular Trident Maple. The bark has a yellowish tan.

Tree #6, another trident maple.  Thinking about how to wire and trim to make it even better.


Tree #15 - a newly donated twisted pomegranate styled by Ted Guyger.  Branches were wired and thinned out so as to prepare for Spring time.

Kathy showed us a method to instantly make a wound looked less noticeable on a ginkgo tree.



Beautiful flowers on one of our member's trees.

John next to Audrey's tree Audrey's Trees at Terry's Place.

Finally, this pair had a really fun time cutting off the top branch from Tree #8 - a yaupon holly.

We always enjoy the company of our furry friend.  It was another very productive day.

Foster Day joined by our fury friend.